Breast & Yoni Massage
"Yoni" is the Sanskrit word for "womb" or "source" that refers to the female genitalia including both the vulva and vagina. The yoni is deeply connected to the breasts and so for this targeted practice to awaken female arousal and encourage an indulgence in pleasure and orgasmic sensation, we begin with a Taoist breast massage to stimulate both nipple and clitoral erection. Our slow and synchronized sensual touch is intended to let time melt away as you melt between our fingers. We invite you to fully relax and express yourself in this high vibrational frequency raising experience designed to leave your whole body tingling. Rich sexual energy is consistently cultivated and spread throughout your entire being as we coach you through breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to guide you in experiencing wave after wave of beautiful and sensual feminine power and pleasure. Let your divine sexual Goddess come alive in this reverent ritual honoring one of your most sacred parts that both receives pleasure and gives life.
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